

Chillis P & D Pty Ltd (the Company) is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace, safe working methods, and the provision of safe equipment. Workplace health and safety is considered by management to be an integral and vital part of the successful performance of any job

This policy sets out the responsibilities of the Company and its employees with the aim that together we can keep the workplace safe and productive

In so far as this policy imposes any obligations on the Company (i.e. those additional to those set out under legislation), those obligations are not contractual and do not give rise to any contractual rights. To the extent that this policy describes benefits and entitlements for employees (i.e. those additional to those set out under legislation), they are discretionary in nature and are also not intended to be contractual. The terms and conditions of employment that are intended to be contractual are set in an employees written employment contract

The Company may unilaterally introduce, vary, remove or replace this policy at any time

The Company, as a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), is committed to

  • Integrating workplace health and safety into all aspects of its operations.
  • Identifying hazards, assessing risk and implementing control strategies to minimise risk of injury to people and property.
  • Ensuring that relevant health and safety laws that apply to working conditions and the work environment are observed and enforced.
  • Developing and implementing safe systems of work.
  • Providing adequate safety information, training and supervision.
  • Designing, purchasing, installing and maintaining a safe site and machinery.
  • Ensuring that the workplace under their control is safe and without undue risks to health.
  • Ensuring that the behaviour of all persons in the workplace is safe and without undue risks to health.
  • Attempting to remedy all problems relating to workplace health and safety.
  • Consulting with workers and other parties to address safety issues and improve decision making on workplace health and safety matters; and
  • Supporting and assisting workers in effective injury management and rehabilitation

All employees and contractors are required to

  • Adhere to safe work practices, instructions and rules.
  • Immediately report any unsafe work condition or equipment to the Company.
  • Not misuse, damage, refuse to use, or interfere with anything provided in the interest of workplace health and safety.
  • Perform all work duties in a manner which ensures individual health and safety and that of all other people in the workplace.
  • Encourage fellow employees to create and maintain a safe and healthy work environment; and
  • Co-operate with all other employees to enable the health and safety responsibilities of all employees be achieved. 


We recognise that employee consultation and participation in our safety system is vital and improves decisionmaking about health and safety matters in the workplace. Consultation is also included in the process of risk assessments and the development of our safe work practices

Employees shall be actively involved in the workplace safety system. Suggestions for change and improvements to policies, procedures or safe work practices are encouraged, through reporting to 

management. Meetings to consult and inform employees on safety issues shall be conducted through staff meetings, as regularly as is necessary

Employees shall be made aware of safety issues relating to their jobs on a regular basis. The manner of doing so will vary depending upon the type of information to be conveyed

We expect our employees to be committed to working with management to effectively manage health and safety on the job. Employees are encouraged to contribute to decisions that may affect their health and safety in the workplace, through contact with management and staff meetings

Management shall work in conjunction with employees to review and update this, and other, policies and procedures


The Company is proactive in its approach to injury management and places strong emphasis on the safe, timely and sustainable return to work program for injured or ill workers

We are committed to

  • Prompt injury notification.
  • Communication and consultation with all parties to develop an appropriate return to work program.
  • Accountability and responsibility for injury management being clearly understood.
  • Provision of suitable meaningful activities during the return-to-work process; and
  • Dispute resolution as required. 

The Company will ensure the following positive approach in meeting these objectives, including: 

  • Early reporting of injuries.
  • Appropriate and timely medical intervention and return to work planning.
  • Provision of suitable resources and productive duties for the injured worker.
  • Positive support and encouragement during the rehabilitation process; and
  • Review of incidents and accidents to seek preventive measures and continuous improvement.
  • The Company shall work in conjunction with employees to review and update this policy, and other, policies and procedures relating to work health and safety as regularly as is necessary.